Kidney Heists, Alligators in Sewers, PPO Networks as Cost Containment Tools, and Other Urban Myths.
Kidney Heists, Alligators in Sewers, PPO Networks as Cost Containment Tools, and Other Urban Myths.
February 23, 2017
Your Network Discount Analyses Are Useless
April 11, 2017

Author shares tips to fight rising health care costs

As the political debate over healthcare continues to rage in Congress, one thing many Americans can agree on is that the cost of healthcare in the U.S. has become too high.

Elisabeth Rosenthal, a doctor and former New York Times reporter who wrote the book “An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take it Back,” gave tips in an interview with ABC News on how to protect yourself from being hit with exorbitantly high medical bills or how to fight back when that does happen.

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