Tired of being in the medical collection business?
We're here to help.
Welcome to AMPS America
We’re not interested in having everyone in a network. Providers who want to partner with employers looking to improve the overall health status of their employees and their dependents will be a great fit in AMPS America. AMPS America is not the PPO middleman.
We’re not building a network, we're building partnerships between employers and providers.
How It Works
AMPS America contracts with thousands of medical providers nationwide to serve employers' covered members. To provide easy access to physicians and other medical services, AMPS America provides clients with a Care Navigator service that sends members to lower-cost, high-quality medical providers.
AMPS America utilizes its panel of experienced contractors along with extensive provider data to identify and contracts with the highest quality hospitals and physicians in a geographic area.
AMPS America provides pricing transparency that removes the PPO middle man.
Employers can also use this solution to add critical hospitals or physicians to their existing network or to contract to decrease out-of-network costs.