What do Cars and Hotel Rooms Have to do With Healthcare Benefits? Maybe a Lot!
What do Cars and Hotel Rooms Have to do With Healthcare Benefits? Maybe a Lot!
January 26, 2017
Kidney Heists, Alligators in Sewers, PPO Networks as Cost Containment Tools, and Other Urban Myths.
Kidney Heists, Alligators in Sewers, PPO Networks as Cost Containment Tools, and Other Urban Myths.
February 23, 2017

Ex hospital chief Health care swindling must end Fox News 2-21-17


Please sign the Petition to End Predatory Healthcare Pricing https://www.change.org/p/end-predator…

Everybody and his brother has a plan to repeal, replace or amend Obamacare and all the proposals are based on the false idea that the problem is the cost of health insurance.

We spend 50% more on healthcare services than any other nation on earth and medical bills is what’s driving the insanity. Insurance is just a means to pay medical bills.